Friday, June 5, 2009

Lazy Rainy Gorgeous Day

So today was a rainy day and I had so much to do to get ready for the beach. I had to pack, clean, shop, do laundry, and get money somehow all in 8 hours. I kept delaying getting out of bed and when I finally did I finished up packing only to go help with my little sisters birthday party/tea party. Barely got in a half an hour of juggling. I did it without any shoes so it was much harder than usual. I was talking to Jules my friend and she said when juggling only use your feet. I tried this it is very difficult and makes my score very low. With my feet only and no shoes I got a total of 9 juggles. That's pretty ad considering how high Jules record is(200). I talked to my brother yesterday about how his life is going. He is in cali right now working on computers with my uncle. I really miss him. I tried to get out of bed this morning to go to church but it did not happen. I felt sad but considering I went to bed at 2 in the morning and have to get up at 4 tomorrow I think He will understand. While I am at the beach I need to keep playing soccer and most importantly keep running. I have pretty much given it up but it should be more fun with my friend and at the beach. Might go surfing this week. That would be so tight. I really see God through nature especially through the ocean. It blows my mind away. I still am a little nervous about surfing the big ones though!!! It will be very different than normal because I have only gone about 7 times. I am a little nervous that I will inconvenience their family. Oh well I hope to have fun. Ciao for a week.

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