Friday, June 19, 2009

Keep Moving

There is a reason that I play soccer that I am still trying to figure out. I am still trying to figure out why I want to play soccer and why I care so much. I don't know my purpose of playing it and I really want to find out why. It may be partly becasue I see people and myself hrough it and the hard work shows character. Or else it could be proving myself to everyone else. Maybe it is for the fame and cheering of the crowd and the honor and glory of winning. Is it for God and for His glory? maybe it is a little bit of all of these. Yesterday I took up my hour a day juggling. I only juggle with my feet from know on. I got 12 total. I need to concentrate on keeping the ball in the middle area instead of being to high or too low. I need to keep running and learning new skills throughout the summer. I was working on new moves with a movie and that also helps me improve especially with my cuts. It is very hott which is very discouraging and uncomfortable to play in. Oh well. I must press on.

~"the vision of a champion is bent over drenched in sweat at the point of exhaustion when no one else is looking".

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