Thursday, June 4, 2009

Going 4 God and why

I have always done two things all my life: played sports and been close to God. I am a catholic and living my life according to his plan and for Him has been what I have always tried to aim for. It certainitly gets harder as I get older though. My name is Kris and I am a junior in high school. at this age everyoneis experimenting and getting in trouble so I set goals and keep busy to stay out of trouble. The other half of my life is sports. From a very young age I have been playing sports from gymnastics to soccer and softball and most other sports in between. So lately I have been really interested in sticking mainly to soccer. I played when i was younger but quit. I came back in eighth grade and now have a dream of playing on my high school varsity team. Maybe one day to play in college. This will be a big dream to accomplish. Heres the story:
When I was in eight grade my best freind was a soccer fanatic and my entire family is wrapped up around soccer. Softball had become boring and it did not satisfy my physical needs or my hardness measure. By the end of softball season in ninth grade i had decided to try out for varstiy soccer junior year after training for a year. So all of sophmore year i have been trying to get ready. Next spring my softball coach will not be happy. I have not trained as much as tried to learn how to be a better player. I went to some of the Varsity girls practices, tried to run, worked my butt off in rec and long hours of practice. I am slowly improving which is good. my problem is over the summer i always slack off with work and craziness so I have to set down a practice sheduale for me to keep in shape and get better. As I continue to train I keep asking myseld the question Why Am I Doing This? is it because i love the sport? want to get in shape? Be amazing at this hard sport? am i doing this for God? I decided i needed to find out why i do soccer and how to not give up so i am using this blog to help me in both.

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